Thursday, November 18, 2010

Should the denial of the Holocaust be punishable under the law? (Faruque Ahmed Version)

Should the denial of the Holocaust be punishable under the law? (Faruque Ahmed Version)

The question Should the denial of the Holocaust be punishable under the law? exposes the Zio-Nazis very badly.

These Holocaust Traders have converted holohaux in to a milking cow called holocaust and it expanding without any question. The Sacred Cow below exposes the Zio-Nazis! Unfortunately the megabyte Nazis i.e. Zio-nazis failed to answer me. Simply they removed The Sacred Cow.

I welcome them to present any fact in support their so called Holocaust and compare it with ethnic cleansing and Israeli Holocaust in Palestine.

Failure to do so will inevitably attract renewed call for gas chamber.

The Sacred Cow

No one would be crucified, should one wish to deny Jesus, Moses, Muhammad or Buda. Even no one would punish anyone for telling, “the capitalism is the conspiracy of rich and powerful”. However, the denial of so-called holocaust is the cardinal sin of the century! May I ask, why? Yet, the same holocaust traders are denying the most painful and slow motion holocaust in the occupied Palestine in front of everyone! What a blatant hypocrisy!!! What a double standard!!!!

During the Second World War 50 million people died. However, these racist and fascist holocaust traders are shading their crocodile tears for “lost and found six millions”! May I ask what about the solid 44 millions? Are they worthless? What about the English holocaust in Ireland! And the British holocaust in Bengal in and around the same time frame of Mr. Adolph Hitler’s holocaust!

Today the evil empire of Rupert Murdoch deliberately misquoted a Sydney cleric and the rest of the zionised media are also doing everything to incite sectarian and racist sentiment in the society based on that ugly piece of journalism. Even both, the Labor and Liberal politicians are competing to land their support for Zionism.

By the way, looking at the brilliant track record of ‘sanctified’ Israel and the theory of the survival of the fittest; one can say, “so called Hitler’s holocaust is well and truly justified due the present and past reality demonstrated by the holocaust traders”. Recent examples of Gaza Strip and Lebanon would be sufficient enough to prove the case.

Furthermore, the Zionism is older than Nazism and it appears; the Nazis have found out and borrowed many dirty tricks and tactics from the Zionists. Therefore in many ways, the Zionists are responsible for Nazi atrocities.

However, the Zionism is worse than Nazism as one was the product of a few mad people during a difficult period of time comparing Zionism - which is the product of millions of Israelis and their supporters stretching across half a century with a stamp of infinity!

The Nazism is based on German nationalism and Zionism is based on Jewish nationalism. The Nazism subscribes on racial purity and supremacy. The Zionism subscribes on religious purity and supremacy and eventually ends up with racial supremacy and purity like Nazism!

The Zionists are milking the "Holocaust Cow" while conducting war crimes, massacres and genocides in the longest running concentration camps of the universe located in the occupied Palestine with a stamp of infinity!

1 comment:

Charles said...

When Israel has enslaved and murdered millions of innocent Palestinians (not terrorists, but civilians), then you can call it a genocide.

Virtually every History PhD in the free world will stake his or her career on known Holocaust facts. Despite this, Holocaust deniers ply their mendacious poison everywhere, especially with young people on the Internet. We must tell the true story of the perpetrators of genocide, revealing the terror, humiliation and degradation resulting from such blind loathing and prejudice. We must disclose the cruelty and horror of genocide to combat the deniers’ virulent and inaccurate historical revision. By doing this, we protect vulnerable future generations from making the same mistakes.

Whenever we stand up to those who deny or minimize genocide we send a critical message to the world. As we continue to live in an age of genocide and ethnic cleansing, we must repel the broken ethics of our ancestors, or risk a dreadful repeat of past transgressions. A world that continues to allow genocide requires ethical remediation. We must show the world that religious, racial, ethnic and gender persecution is wrong; and that tolerance is our progeny's only hope. Only through such efforts can we reveal the true horror of genocide and promote the triumphant spirit of humankind.

Charles Weinblatt
Author, Jacob’s Courage